Friday, April 10, 2009

Farewell Koho

Don Koharski worked his final game last night as Washington defeated Tampa Bay. This may shock you coming from the perspective that I do (hint: the team I root for), but I’m actually rather sad to see him go.

Koharski was one of the few refs distinguished and respected enough to be referred to be name, not unlike Kerry Fraser. Although referees are always an easy—and sometimes appropriate—target for criticism, Koho was certainly as good as it gets. You don’t work in this league for 32 years if you don’t know what you’re doing most of the time.

Koharski was also part of one of the most infamous moments in NHL playoff history, when after a playoff game in 1988, Devils coach Jim Schoenfeld knocked him to the ground and followed that with a respectful “You fell, you fat pig! Have another doughnut!” Though Schnoeny and Koharski have made up since then, that brief moment in the Devils locker room tunnel will live on in infamy.

All the best, Koho. Being a ref is one of the most thankless jobs in sports, where someone out there will always be mad at you for something, and to put 32 hard years into the job really shows the kind of character person you are.

All that being said, if you’re looking for something to do now that you’re out of officiating, would the irony be too great for me to suggest buying a Dunkin Donuts franchise?

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